Body and Flesh: A Philosophical Reader

Автор: Donn Welton
Рейтингът се формира от продажбите в системата на Хеликон

Коментари: 0

Издател Blackwell Publishing
Брой страници 368
Година на издаване 1998
Корици меки
Език английски
Тегло 700 грама
Размери 24.5x17
ISBN 1577181263
Баркод 1577181263
Категории Хуманитарна литература на чужди езици, Хуманитарни науки, Книги

The concept of the body is one of the most recent, and hotly contested areas of inquiry among philosophers today. This volume captures the different theoretical approaches at the core of the current discussion and offers studies that deal with various aspects of the constitution of the body. It is designed primarily to be used on upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses, such as philosophy of the Body, Philosophical Psychology, Gender Studies, and Contemporary Continental Philosophy, and will also be useful as a primary source for philosophers seeking a deeper understanding of the topic. Attempting to cut a third way between the usual alternatives of social Constructionist and Naturalist approaches to the body, this collection turns to both the biological and the social sciences as a starting point for an adequate critique of the body, before moving to offer a cultural analysis. The volume blends seminal essays with the new and original pieces to take the analysis into new areas, and includes contributions from Judith Butler, Susan Bordo, Rom HarrE', Maxine Sheets-Johnstone, Mary Rawlinson, Hubert Dreyfus, and Iris Young.

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