What's the Point of Philosophy?

Рейтингът се формира от продажбите в системата на Хеликон

Коментари: 0

Издател DK
Брой страници 128
Година на издаване 2022
Корици твърди
Език английски
Тегло 740 грама
ISBN 9780241536384
Баркод 9780241536384
Категории Детска и тийн литература на чужди езици, Литература за деца и юноши, Книги, Детски енциклопедии

Travel down the road of wisdom to discover how to think about a series of philosophical problems, how to defend your opinions on them, and how to evaluate the opinions of others.

Why is philosophy important? What's so great about it? Take a leap into the world of philosophy and discover questions about life, the universe, and human behavior that great thinkers have pondered throughout history, and which are still being asked today.

Philosophical ideas affect our day-to-day lives in ways that you might not expect. But understanding these ideas can be daunting - even for adults! If you want to learn how to argue the case for animal rights, why the concept of equality has many sides, or even what the theories are about why humans exist at all, What's the Point of Philosophy? is the perfect place to start.

Put your thinking cap on and get ready to explore:

- A variety of fascinating topics reveal pivotal questions in philosophy that are still discussed today.
- Timeline spreads illustrate major schools of thought, and the women and men who developed them.
- Clear, accessible text makes the book appealing for readers of all ages.
- Uncoated paper gives a vintage feel to the book which perfectly complements the illustrator's style.

This fascinating philosophy book is a unique way to get kids to begin thinking critically about the world around them, and showcases the many ways in which philosophy has changed the world, one crazy idea at a time, and it is guaranteed to inspire, surprise, amuse, and entertain everybody who picks it up. By slowly unraveling arguments to unpack complex theories, What's the Point of Philosophy? allows you to connect with ideas in a new and exciting way. If you never stop asking 'why?', this is the book for you!

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