
Автор: Салман Рушди
Рейтингът се формира от продажбите в системата на Хеликон

Коментари: 0

Издател Vintage
Брой страници 266
Година на издаване 2002
Корици меки
Език английски
Тегло 157 грама
Категории на английски език, Художествена литература на чужди езици, Художествена литература, Книги

'A writer of breathtaking originality' Financial Times

From one of the world's truly great writers, Fury is a wickedly brilliant and pitch-black comedy about a middle-aged professor who finds himself in New York City in the summer of 2000. Not since the Bombay of Midnight's Children have a time and place been so intensely and accurately captured in a novel. Fury opens on a New York living at breakneck speed in an age of unprecedented decadence. Malik Solanka,, a Cambridge-educated self-made millionaire originally from Bombay, arrives looking, perversely, for escape.
This former philosophy professor is the inventor of the hugely popular doll, Little Brain, whose multiform ubiquity - as puppet, cartoon and masked woman - now rankles with him. He becomes frustratingly estranged from his own creation. At the same time, his marriage is disintegrating: it escalates into a rage-filled battle, and Solanka very nearly commits an unforgivable act. Horrified by the fury within him, he flees home and family and becomes a sort of spiritual mendicant - except that he has a credit card and a duplex on the Upper West Side. Solanka discovers that he has come to a city Roiling with anger, where cab drivers spout invective and a serial killer is murdering women with a lump of concrete, a metropolis whose population is united by petty spats and bone-deep resentments. His own thoughts, emotions and desires, meanwhile, are also running wild. Solanka's navigation of his new world makes for a hugely entertaining and compulsively readable novel.

Fury is a pitiless comedy that lays bare the darkest side of human nature with spectacular insight and much glee.

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Ахмед Салман Рушди е британски писател от индийски произход. Стилът му, смесващ митология и фантазия с реалния живот понякога е определян като магически реализъм. През 1988 романът му „Сатанински строфи“ предизвиква силни противоречия в ислямския свят. Книгата е забранена в много страни, иранският аятолах Рухола Хомейни го обявява за вероотстъпник и за убийството му е определена награда от 3 милиона долара.
След 23 юни 2007 наградата за главата му е 11,4 милиона долара.

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